Rashmika Mandanna, the popular South Indian film actress, has once again hogged all the limelight. This time it is for the rumored romantic affair with Vijay Deverakonda. The two have been often seen together, which had already sparked off speculations regarding their relationship. Though neither of them has made any official confirmation regarding their relationship status, Rashmika has given a significant hint recently, further raising the bar of intrigue.
She is one of the most popular actresses, and the media often tends to focus on her personal life. Though she keeps mum about her love life, Rashmika recently ended the long-standing speculation surrounding her alleged relationship with Vijay, stating that she is not single anymore.
Relationship Rumors Gain Momentum
For long, the entertainment circles have been abuzz with talk about the romance between Rashmika Mandanna and Vijay Deverakonda. Although the duo has never come out in public to confirm the rumors, their body language and veiled statements have consistently hinted at something more than just a casual acquaintance. Recently, Vijay was quoted saying that he is “not single,” and this revelation did the rounds of tongues wagging. And soon after, Rashmika came out with her enigmatic statement when she called herself a “partner.”
Rashmika’s Subtle Revelation
In a candid conversation with The Hollywood Reporter, Rashmika gave a glimpse into her personal life. While talking about what grounds her amidst the chaos of fame, she said:
Home is my sanctuary, my grounding force. It reminds me of where I come from and keeps me rooted. Fame and success are transient—they come and go. But home is eternal. I operate from that perspective. Despite the accolades, visibility, and affection I receive, at my core, I remain a daughter, a sister, and yes, a partner. I deeply value that personal side of my life.”
This innocuous statement, where she termed herself as a “partner,” has led fans and media alike to believe that Rashmika has subtly confirmed her relationship status.
What Does She Find Attractive in a Partner?
Rashmika also went into what makes a character interesting as a potential partner. She said, “They say the eyes are the windows to one’s soul, and I truly believe that. A warm, radiant smile draws me in, but more than that, I am drawn to someone who radiates kindness and respect for everyone regardless of their standing or background.”
The Chemistry On-Screen That Sparked the Rumors
No doubt it is palpable chemistry that has been visible between Rashmika Mandanna and Vijay Deverakonda in cinematic collaborations. They were first featured together in Geetha Govindam, which received all-around acclaim for their on-screen presence. They were again paired in Dear Comrade, and the pair’s performance once again brought them before the approving audiences, making them a favorite on-screen couple. Their connection was said to have sprouted on screen into real life.
Whether official confirmation will ever emerge remains uncertain, but Rashmika’s latest remarks have undoubtedly added fuel to the fire. Fans continue to root for this rumored couple, eagerly awaiting more glimpses into their captivating journey.