This festive season has turned into a cinematic showdown as Allu Arjun’s Pushpa 2 locks horns with Varun Dhawan’s Baby John at the box office. Both films aim to captivate audiences, but the morning occupancy trends have already revealed a clear frontrunner. Let’s delve into the unfolding drama and discover which film is reigning supreme.
Pushpa 2 Day 21 Morning Occupancy Report
As Pushpa 2 approaches the conclusion of its third week, its box office trajectory remains phenomenal. Featuring Allu Arjun and Rashmika Mandanna in the lead, the film has maintained a staggering morning occupancy rate of 21.26% in the Hindi-speaking markets, securing its dominance yet again. The pulsating narrative and exceptional performances have ensured that Pushpa 2 stays etched in the audience’s hearts.
Baby John Day 1 Morning Footfall Analysis
On its debut day, Baby John, starring Varun Dhawan alongside Keerthy Suresh, opened to moderate bookings. The morning show occupancy clocked in at 13.92%, signaling a lukewarm start. With critics divided over the film’s merits, it heavily relies on word-of-mouth to gain momentum. The Christmas holiday offers a golden opportunity for a surge in footfalls, provided the public reception tilts favorably.
Head-to-Head: Morning Occupancy Battle
Even after nearly three weeks in theaters, Pushpa 2 continues to draw robust crowds. The morning occupancy for Allu Arjun’s magnum opus surpassed Baby John by a significant margin of 52%, solidifying its stature as the box office behemoth. While afternoon and evening screenings might shift the dynamics, the current scenario positions Pushpa 2 as the undeniable victor of the day.
The Screen Count Controversy
Adding another layer to the rivalry, reports suggest a heated dispute between Pushpa 2 distributor Anil Thadani and theater owners. Thadani demanded half of the total screen allocation for Pushpa 2, even in its third week, sparking unrest among exhibitors who sought to support Baby John. Tensions escalated to the point where some theaters threatened to halt Pushpa 2 screenings entirely due to disagreements over the Key Delivery Message (KDM).
Despite this turmoil, Baby John secured between 2,500 and 3,000 screens in the Hindi circuit, setting the stage for a fair contest.
What Lies Ahead?
As the day progresses, it remains to be seen whether Baby John can gain traction through afternoon and evening shows or if Pushpa 2 will continue its unrelenting march toward box office supremacy. With both films vying for audience affection, this Christmas cinematic duel is nothing short of exhilarating!
The battle for box office glory is fierce, but it’s clear that Pushpa 2 is far from relinquishing its crown. Will the tides turn, or will Allu Arjun’s blockbuster remain untouchable? Stay tuned for more updates!