Mahesh Babu, the celebrated Indian Telugu film actor, is celebrating his 49th birthday today. His wife, Namrata Shirodkar, and their children, Sitara and Gautam, have made this occasion even more special with their heartfelt wishes.
Born on August 9, 1975, in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, Mahesh Babu is marking his 49th birthday today. His wife, Bollywood actress Namrata Shirodkar, expressed her love and admiration with a touching message. She shared a beautiful picture of Mahesh and wrote, “A new year, another great year to celebrate with a wonderful person. Life with you is like a blockbuster film. We will continue to celebrate like this in the future too. Happy Birthday, my superstar, my partner, and my love.”
Mahesh Babu’s son Gautam also took to social media to share a picture with his father, writing, “Happy Birthday, Nanna. Whatever you do, you are a superstar in every way. Here I am celebrating your special day and will always do so.”
His daughter, Sitara Ghattamaneni, shared a stunning picture of them together on social media and wrote a loving note for her father. Sitara’s message read, “Happy Birthday, Nanna! I am so grateful for all the little things you do to make me smile, from little adventures with us to just being there when we need you.” However, this note is no longer visible on social media.
As one of the most beloved actors in South cinema, Mahesh Babu’s 49th birthday on August 9, 2024, has been met with an outpouring of wishes from fans on his social media accounts. Bollywood actor Chunky Pandey also joined in the celebrations, writing, “Happy-Happy Birthday, Dear Mahesh.”