The Kapoor-Bhatt family announced the arrival of 2025 with an intimate yet sophisticated celebration, skillfully combining cherished family moments with an air of stunning glamor Alia Bhatt, Ranbir Kapoor, their daughter Raha, and Neetu Kapoor, Soni Rajdan, Riddhima Kapoor Sahni, BharatSahni, Samara Sahni With warm hugs from the likes overshadowed by their closest ones, the party exuded romance, fun, and impeccable fashion, creating an unforgettable introduction to the new year.
Alia Bhatt walked the red carpet with subtle elegance, draped in a black ensemble that beautifully weaved together the simplicity of design with refined detailing. She donned full sleeves and a high-waisted cinched silhouette that perfectly worked along her mini hem, paired with slip-on flats and subtle adornments, including her hair – a sleek bun and minimalistic makeup.
Ranbir Kapoor echoed Alia’s elegance in his all-black ensemble. His outfit consisted of a button-down shirt, which he wore with tailored linen trousers, all put together for a polished and unpretentious look. His neat, backswept hair gave him the finesse touch to his minimal look, making him a perfect complement to Alia.
Neetu Kapoor embraced the beauty theme for the night as she slipped into a sexy black gown. The rounded neckline, flowing bell sleeves, and bold waist-high split were timelessly appealing in themselves. She accessorized with a diamond and emerald necklace, glimmering earrings, and understated rings that completed her already dazzling appearance.
Adding a vibrant twist to the gathering, Soni Razdan wore a striking red satin gown. The piece featured a fitted bodice and a flared skirt enhanced by an embroidered jacket, resonated by the air of regal poise. Her ruby-studded jewelry and flowing tresses have infused her ensemble with yet another layer of refinement as she stood out from the crowd.
The celebration was a beautiful tapestry of family union and sensibilities for fashion. And 2025 unwound its first pages with the Kapoor-Bhatts showing the world that elegance and warmth were after all the best bedfellows.