Both are awaiting the arrival of Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone’s unborn child. They married for many years, satisfying the desires of their followers. Since then, they have been bringing everyone happiness and love, and now that they are starting their pregnancy, they are sharing cute sneak peeks and making fans very happy!
According to Times Now, Deepika Padukone has fulfilled her professional obligations to make the most of her earned maternity leave. Ranveer Singh has decided to take a year of paternity leave to support Deepika on this special occasion Their unborn children in Pika Cha decided to concentrate on the couple’s strong commitment to each other and their extended family revealed by this revelation, it is incredibly touching to see the value in the precious moment of togetherness. As supporters, we can’t wait for excitement for their little birth along with the amazement of their mutual devotion.
As Deepika Padukone gets ready to welcome her first child, it is nice to see that Ranveer Singh is ready to put his family first.