In a breakthrough in the actor assault case, Mumbai Police, with painstaking accuracy, recreated the crime scene during the early hours of Tuesday morning. During the investigation, accused Shariful Islam was brought out of the remand from custody at 1:15 a.m. on Monday and was sent to Bandra station. At 3 to 4 am, he was taken to the actor’s residential apartment. He tried to repeat his course of events; the accuser put the identical backpack to what he would claim he used to carry into it. At the same time, a forensic investigation team closely examined Saif’s residence. A total of 19 fingerprints were obtained from the different places. These include the bathroom window, the ventilation shaft, and the staircase. According to the police, the burglar had entered the house from the bathroom window and had the same way of leaving the house after the attack.
The attack on Saif took place around 2 a.m. on January 15. The actor suffered severe injuries to his spine and neck and was taken to Lilavati Hospital for urgent treatment. He is likely to be discharged soon.
The Arrest and Investigation
Mumbai Police apprehended Shariful Islam late on January 19. Preliminary investigations revealed that he was formerly a wrestler in Bangladesh and had recently migrated to India. Shariful is currently under a five-day police remand.
During questioning, the accused confessed that his original intent on January 15 was burglary. He reportedly ascended to the eighth floor of Saif’s building via the staircase and scaled a pipe to reach the 12th floor. Entering the apartment through an open bathroom window, he claimed ignorance about the flat’s ownership, only learning later through news reports that it belonged to the Bollywood star.
Police reports indicate that while Shariful inspected ventilation ducts of other apartments within the building, his access was thwarted due to sealed entry points. Saif Ali Khan’s flat was the only unit with an unsecured backdoor, enabling his illicit entry.
Tracing the Accused: A Step-by-Step Account
- Immediate Actions Post-Attack:
Following the incident, Shariful slept at a Bandra bus stop until 7 p.m. He then altered his appearance by changing clothes and visiting a salon in Dadar for a haircut. - Subsequent Movements:
He purchased headphones from a local store and boarded a bus to Worli Koliwada. During this journey, he learned of the incident’s coverage in the media, where CCTV footage and photographs of him were aired. Overcome by fear, he fled to Thane. - Key Breakthroughs:
Police obtained CCTV footage from Worli, capturing Shariful purchasing egg-pav and making an online payment. This payment led authorities to a vendor who identified him as a former housekeeping staff at a nearby restaurant. - Linking Evidence:
At the restaurant, it was discovered that a prior theft of a diamond ring had prompted a complete staff overhaul. The bar owner provided Shariful’s labor contractor’s details, enabling the police to retrieve his mobile number. This matched the payment record from the egg-pav transaction, establishing his trial. - Arrest:
Shariful was apprehended at a labor camp in Thane late Sunday night. Verification by his parents in Bangladesh confirmed his identity.
Shariful’s Background and the Assault’s Aftermath
Authorities revealed that Shariful, whose full name is Mohammad Shariful Islam Shahzad, is 30 years old. After illegally entering India, he assumed the alias Vijay Das and secured employment with a housekeeping agency. January 15 marked his first infiltration of Saif Ali Khan’s residence.
Saif’s Injuries and Recovery
The actor sustained six stab wounds, including critical injuries to his neck, back, hands, and head. A two-and-a-half-inch knife fragment lodged in his spine was surgically removed. The doctors said that even a mere 2mm deviation could have resulted in catastrophic damage to the spinal cord. Saif has since been shifted out from the ICU to a private hospital room and is reportedly out of danger.
Timeline of Key Developments
- January 15: Saif Ali Khan was attacked in his Bandra home.
- January 16: Surgeons successfully removed the knife fragment lodged in his spine.
- January 17: Saif’s condition stabilized, leading to his transfer from the ICU.
- January 18: A suspect was detained in Chhattisgarh based on preliminary leads.
- January 19: The primary accused, Shariful Islam, was apprehended in Thane.
Statements and Reactions
- Kareena Kapoor Khan:
“Saif demonstrated immense courage, stepping in to protect the women and children present. His timely intervention ensured the assailant could not reach our younger son, Jahangir.”
The investigation remains ongoing, with law enforcement focusing on extracting additional intelligence regarding Shariful’s activities and connections.
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