Archana Puran Singh was shooting for her upcoming film with Rajkumar Rao. During this, the actress’s hand got fractured. Archana recently gave this information in her vlog.
Injury due to slipping on the set
The actress slipped on the set during the shooting. Due to this, her wrist broke and she suffered injuries on her face. Immediately after the injury, she was taken to the hospital. Where she underwent surgery.
Shared the whole story in the vlog
Archana Puran shared many things in her vlog and said – I got hurt while shooting. Due to this, the shooting of the film has been stopped. I called Rajkumar and apologized for the delay in production. I told Rajkumar that I would be back to work soon. Because I did not want the whole team to suffer any loss because of me.
Son Aryaman started crying after hearing the news of his mother getting injured
In the video, Archana told about the incident of injury and that when her son Ayushman told his brother Aryaman about this incident, he was shocked to hear this. Archana said- Aryaman was very sad to hear that I have got injuries on my face.
Whatever happens, happens for good – Archana
Giving a health update at the end of the video, Archana said- ‘Whatever happens happens for good. I believe that I am fine, and as always, I am trying to stay positive in this situation as well. Now it is coming to light that working with one hand is very difficult, that too more difficult than the left hand.’ The actress told her husband Parmeet in the vlog- ‘You feel that I am fine, but I have just undergone a major operation.’
Archana is very active on YouTube
Talking about Archana’s work, she started her career with the film Jalwa, which was released in theaters in the year 1987. Apart from this, the actress has also worked in many Bollywood films and has been seen as a judge in Kapil Sharma’s comedy show for a long time., apart from this, she is also very active on YouTube. Archana has created her own YouTube channel and shares a vlog on it.