Aanvi Kamdar, a travel influencer and Deloitte chartered accountant, tragically fell from a 350-foot hill near the Kumbhe waterfall while creating a social media reel. Kamdar, 27, from Malad, was with a group of seven picnickers who quickly alerted authorities. Despite an intense six-hour rescue mission, she was declared dead upon arrival at the hospital.
About Aanvi Kamdar
Aanvi Kamdar was not only a chartered accountant at Deloitte, an IT/Technology consulting firm, but also a popular social media influencer with over 256,000 Instagram followers. Her content, often centered around monsoon tourism and unique travel experiences, earned her the moniker “travel detective” in her bio. She specializes in showcasing luxury finds, cafes, itineraries, and travel tips.
Previous Tragedy in Pune
On June 30, a family of five drowned at a waterfall near Pune’s Bhushi Dam in Lonavala. Rescue teams managed to recover the bodies, including one of the two missing children. Pune’s District Collector, Suhas Diwas, warned the public to avoid water bodies during the rainy season, stressing the importance of caution and planning in such weather conditions.