The bright light of parenthood has again entered the lives of 36-year-old actress Sana Khan and her husband, Maulvi Mufti Anas Sayed. Their abode presently thrills with the wails and laughter of a newborn child after the work couple welcomed his second boy into the fold on January 5, 2008.
The actress thus shared the endearing news via her social pages, manifesting her appreciation and joy retreatment.
In a touching post, Sana revealed that their firstborn, Syed Tariq Jameel, has now stepped into the cherished role of an elder brother. With an air of profound humility, she penned, “Allah Taala writes every destiny. When the time is right, He bestows His blessings.”
A Joyous Prelude to 2025
The dawn of 2025 has brought unparalleled happiness to the couple, as evidenced by a brief yet poignant video shared by Sana. Within the clip, she intricately conveyed the joyous tidings of her son’s arrival while radiating an aura of gratitude and fulfillment.
This elation is rooted in an announcement made by Sana Khan on November 24 of the previous year. Declaring her second pregnancy, she wrote, “Syed Tariq Jameel eagerly awaits his promotion to big brother. Dear Allah, we await this blessing with open hearts. Alhamdulillah.” Her words resonated with a deep sense of hope and faith.
From Stardom to Spirituality
Sana Khan’s journey from the exotic world of entertainment to the realm of spiritual peace is nothing short of transformational. Once known for her work in television, films, and web series, she chose to step back from the limelight in 2020 after her marriage to Maulvi Mufti Anas Syed
Embracing a new chapter, Sana now dedicates her life to religious teachings, often sharing enlightening content on her social media channels. Her profound metamorphosis underscores her unwavering commitment to her faith and her family, inspiring countless followers who admire her devotion.
As 2025 unfolds, the Khan-Sayed family embarks on this beautiful new chapter, basking in the divine blessing of their growing family.