Indian cricket icon MS Dhoni has once again captured the hearts of millions, showcasing a unique festive personality on Christmas Day. Known for his legendary feats in cricket, Dhoni—who stepped away from international cricket over five years ago—was seen enjoying the moment with his family in a touching Instagram post with his wife Sakshi Dhoni, and the former captain dressed as Santa Claus who shared it with his daughter Ziva It seems to be enjoying itself. The post raised eyebrows on social media, gathering more than half a million views in just two hours.
A timeless star from the field
Despite welcoming international cricket, Dhoni’s immense popularity remains. He is regarded as one of India’s favorite sports personalities, and every time the iconic forward is spotted it triggers a wave of appreciation among the fans. Be it his fun Santa avatar or his experimental hairstyle, Dhoni keeps leaving his audience in awe.
While her holiday clothes concealed most of her physique, the unmistakable “Mahi” features—tattooed on her Santa hat—left no doubt about who she was wearing in the costume of the interesting bottom.
MS Dhoni’s Continuing IPL Legacy
Currently, Dhoni’s cricketing endeavors are restricted to the Indian Premier League (IPL), where he is a key figure for Chennai Super Kings (CSK) plans to don the iconic red jersey again in IPL 2025, by Dhoni, CSK saved ₹4 crores, 2025. due to a revised retention policy Players with a gap of more than five years from international cricket will be able to qualify as utopied players.
Dhoni and the brilliant Sandeep Sharma benefited from this rule and found their place in their respective franchises. However, the five-time IPL champion skipper does not hold the CSK leadership reign. The mantle has been given to dynamic opener Ruturaj Gaikwad, who shares the top retention honor with Ravindra Jadeja, worth ₹18 crore each
Strategic moves in the IPL auction
Known for getting clever players, CSK showcased their sharp tactics at the IPL 2025 auction. Among the prized signings were New Zealand veterans Devon Conway and Rachin Ravindra, who cost ₹6.5 crore and ₹4 crore respectively—impressive price deals Besides, spinner veteran Ravichandran Ashwin, who recently announced his retirement from international cricket, will return to CSK.
From festive cheer to cricketing glory, MS Dhoni crosses boundaries and continues to captivate fans with his versatility and timeless charm.