Actor Mukesh Khanna, celebrated for his iconic portrayal in Mahabharat, has once again ignited controversy with his scathing remarks regarding Ranbir Kapoor’s rumored role as Lord Ram in Nitesh Tiwari’s ambitious cinematic adaptation of Ramayana. Citing Kapoor’s prior roles, particularly in the action-packed Animal, Khanna suggested that such portrayals might cast a shadow over the audience’s acceptance of Kapoor embodying the sanctity of Lord Ram.
Mukesh Khanna Questions Ranbir Kapoor’s Fit for the Revered Role
In an interview with Mid-Day, Khanna did not shy away from expressing his reservations, albeit reluctantly at first. “I hesitate to comment on this,” he remarked, “as my opinions often invite accusations of meddling. They’ve tarnished my image, claiming I comment on everything. Recently, I opined on Jackie Shroff’s son, and now this. But if Ramayana is being remade, comparisons with Arun Govil are unavoidable.”
Khanna lauded Arun Govil’s legendary portrayal of Lord Ram in Ramanand Sagar’s television series, deeming it unparalleled. He elaborated, “Govil set the benchmark for what Lord Ram should embody. Whoever steps into this role must radiate the divinity of Ram. The essence of Ram should not be tainted by real-life antics. If someone behaves like a ‘lampat chhichhora’ (a vulgar troublemaker) off-screen, it inevitably seeps into their on-screen portrayal. To embody Ram, one must abstain from indulgent partying or drinking. But who am I to dictate the casting?”
Criticism of Prabha’s Attempt in Adipurush
Khanna extended his critique to Prabhas, who played Lord Ram in Adipurush. “Despite his stardom, the audience did not accept him as Ram. Not because he lacks talent but because he didn’t exude the requisite demeanor. Similarly, Ranbir Kapoor—though a fine actor and the pride of the Kapoor lineage—must look and feel like Ram. Having just starred in Animal, where his negative traits were magnified, I fear this might disrupt the audience’s immersion.”
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Star-Studded Casting of Nitesh Tiwari’s Ramayana
Nitesh Tiwari’s Ramayana boasts a stellar cast, with Sai Pallavi as Sita and celebrated actors Arun Govil and Lara Dutta in pivotal roles. Reports propose that Sunny Deol has been roped in to play Hanuman.
The film, a two-part epic, is scheduled for a Diwali 2026 debut, with its concluding chapter arriving in 2027.
Mukesh Khanna’s remarks, while polarizing, underscore the daunting challenge of recreating a saga as cherished as Ramayana. As the cinematic venture unfolds, audiences await to see if Tiwari’s vision can honor the sanctity of this timeless tale.