Prashanth Reddy The director who dropped out of college and went to shoot everyday.. What is RajamouliPrashanth Reddy The director who dropped out of college and went to shoot everyday.. What is Rajamouli

Prashanth Reddy : Rajamouli is one of India’s proudest directors. He is getting good success with every movie and increasing his range. A song in the movie RRR won an Oscar award and gained worldwide recognition.

Currently everyone is waiting for Rajamouli’s next movie. There are also many people who got inspired by Rajamouli and came to the film industry.

Recently, he said that he became a director because of Rajamouli. Hero Karthikeya is now coming to the audience with Bhaje Vaayu Vegam. This movie is going to release on May 31. Prashant Reddy, the director of this film, recently spoke to the media and told many interesting things. In this order, he told how he came to the film industry.

Prashanth Reddy said.. Ours is Medak. When I was studying in college, I was shooting for Rajamouli Sai’s movie Medak. They shot there for many days. I dropped out of college and used to go to watch shooting everyday. One day, Rajamouli remembered me and asked me if I would drop out of college and come for shooting. I entered the film industry with his inspiration. He said that he has worked in the direction department of UV Creations since the movie Run Raja Run and now he has become a director with the movie Bhaje Vayuvegam. But Rajamoulini said that he has not told this matter yet, he will tell after the success of this film.

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By Sachin Vishwakarma

Hello There, My name is Sachin Vishwakarma 21 years old with over 2 year + of experience in SEO, Content Writing, Advertising & Digital Marketing.

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