The Kapoor-Bhatt family announced the arrival of 2025 with an intimate yet sophisticated celebration, skillfully combining cherished family moments with an air of stunning glamor Alia Bhatt, Ranbir Kapoor, their daughter Raha, and Neetu Kapoor, Soni Rajdan, Riddhima Kapoor Sahni, BharatSahni, Samara Sahni With warm hugs from the likes overshadowed by their closest ones, the […]
Khushi Mali is now the new Sonu of ‘Tarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah’. Actress Palak Sidhwani was replaced
Popular television show Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah is back in the headlines with yet another casting change. Actress Palak Sidhwani, who played Sonu Bhide’s popular character for five years, has quit the show Now, Khushi Mali, the talented actress, is seen taking her place after working in the show Sajha Sindoor. The changes have […]
Music, Heritage, and Leadership: Inside PM Modi’s Meeting with Diljit Dosanjh
Recently, PM Narendra Modi had an interesting interview with Punjabi singer and actor Diljit Dosanjh. The two discussed Indian art, culture, and the global impact of Punjabi music, celebrating creativity and heritage. Supporters described it as an exciting time for Indian entertainment. A Meeting of Minds: Creativity and Heritage at the Forefront Prime Minister Modi […]