In a triumphant resurgence, Victory Venkatesh has shattered box office expectations with his latest cinematic venture, Sankranthiki Vasthunam. This Tollywood extravaganza has seen the actor’s best opening day collection to date, leaving his previous high with F3 behind. The film has already established itself as a blockbuster contender, as it performed exceptionally well on its […]
Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli’s Alibaugh residence glow beautifully as they unveil their homecoming preparations
A glimpse of Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli’s lavish bungalow in Alibaugh has gone viral on social media. The beautiful house that was decorated with floral paintings before the big house party is now in the news. Currently based in India, Anushka and Virat were spotted recently heading towards their stunning Alibaug abode before returning […]
Peek Into Saif Ali Khan’s Rs 48-Crore House in Mumbai
Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor Khan live in an opulent multi-story apartment in Bandra (West), Mumbai, within the elite Satguru Sharan building. The lavish Rs 48-crore residence reflects their exquisite taste and passion for grandeur. A Midnight Scare On January 16, at about 2 a.m., an intruder entered their home. The victim described the […]
Saif Ali Khan Survives Life-Threatening Knife Assault at His Mumbai Home
In early January 16, there was an incident that shook the peacefulness of Bandra‘s resident actor Saif Ali Khan‘s residence. A lone intruder managed to get in and stab the actor six times, with two of those hits narrowly missing the spine. This happened at 2:30 a.m. and left many in the film fraternity as […]