When Bollywood nostalgia meets modern-day charisma, the result can only be relished. As actress Raveena Tandon posted a string of pictures on Instagram that included her daughter, Rasha Thadani, the other important figure accompanying them in this family pose was her Laadla co-star Anil Kapoor. Dressed in slim, all-black attire, the three were stunning yet […]
Coldplay Mumbai Concert: Navi Mumbai Police Detail Strict Traffic Arrangements for Dr. D.Y. Patil Stadium
In preparation for the electric performances of British musical legends, Coldplay, scheduled at Dr. D.Y. Patil Stadium in Nerul, Navi Mumbai, the local authorities have planned a massive traffic management blueprint to handle concertgoers, artists, and distinguished guests who would throng to the place during the performances. The concerts have been scheduled for January 18, […]
Tabu Reunites with Priyadarshan After 25 Years for ‘Bhoot Bangla’; Akshay Kumar Joins the Cast After 14 Years
Priyadarshan and Akshay Kumar to come together after 14 years Priyadarshan is the lone Malayali director in Bollywood with the maximum number of hits to his credit. Having been away for three years, the industry expects a hit when he returns. This time around, Akshay Kumar takes the lead in Priyan’s film. He’s had several […]