Sarfira Box Office Collection: Akshay Kumar Starrer Earns Just Rs 9 Lakh on Third Monday. India’s film industry which produces incredibly diverse and dynamic content has had various ups and downs in terms of box office performance. One such recent example is Sarfira, which stars acclaimed actor Akshay Kumar. Despite being highly anticipated and having […]
Box Office Dip for Deadpool And Wolverine on Monday
Deadpool And Wolverine Box Office(India): Monday’s test made Ryan-Hugh sweat and business decline. Since it came out, Deadpool And Wolverine has been compared with 2019’s Joker movie. It is said that this film can break earnings records according to the worldwide box office. However, Deadpool & Wolverine is not doing well in India. After doing […]
Make International Friendship Day Special with a Heartfelt Message
International Friendship Day is celebrated on July 30 by many world nations. This is the day on which friendship has formally given rise to what we now call friendship day in the year 2011. It emphasizes that friendship is a special link that plays a vital role in everyone’s life. A good friend provides emotional […]