Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant’s extravagant wedding ceremony attracted numerous celebrities from both India and abroad. Among the international guests were reality TV stars Kim Kardashian and her sister Khloe Kardashian. Kim shared several pictures from the wedding on her social media, one of which included an idol of Lord Ganesha. This particular photo sparked […]
Amitabh Bachchan and Anil Kapoor Face Hate for Promoting KRK New Song ‘Mere Saathiya
Amitabh Bachchan & Anil Kapoor trolled for promoting KRK’s song: Users thought Big B’s account was hacked, Fans told Anil Kapoor such bad days have come On Tuesday, the track “Mere Saathiya” by KRK, also known as Kamal R Khan, made its debut. What set this release apart was the fact that Bollywood legend Amitabh […]
Rahul Gandhi’s Declaration on ‘Vanquishing the Ram Temple Campaign’ and Its Weight
Rahul Gandhi’s proclamation demands attention as a declaration of ideological conviction, one he wishes his faction to grasp and adopt. “The crusade initiated by L.K. Advani ji, the one centered around Ayodhya, was conquered in Ayodhya…. I am conveying something profoundly significant… The Congress party and INDIA coalition vanquished them in Ayodhya,” Rahul Gandhi asserted […]