Noor Malabika Das was a former flight attendant at Qatar Airways. Actress Noor Malabika Das was found dead in her Lokhandwala flat on Thursday. The actor, 37, is thought to have committed suicide, according to the police. Her body was discovered, allegedly, after neighbors smelled something bad coming from her flat. The police had to […]
Shivam Dube IND vs PAK Sensation Dhoni’s student who took the catch
Shivam Dube: In the third over of Pakistan’s innings, Shivam Dube dropped Mohammad Rizwani. Rizwan delivered a cross to Bumrah and the ball went to deep leg. Dubey got a chance to catch but dropped the catch. Because of this, fans also commented seriously on social networks. Shivam Dube caught Mohammad Rizwan in Pakistan’s third […]