Mumbai police have arrested a man who allegedly raped and assaulted a 26-year-old aspiring Bollywood actress. The accused lured the woman on the pretext of getting a job on The Kapil Sharma Show. According to the authorities, a 26-year-old woman was raped in Mumbai under the pretext of getting a job on the popular talk […]
Payal Kapadia Has a fresh Perspective on Indian Movies
Payal Kapadia’s All We Imagine as Light won the Grand Prix at Cannes, taking Indian cinema to a new level through international co-productions. On Saturday night, Payal Kapadia’s All we Imagine as Light boldly went where no Indian film has gone before. Not only was it the first Indian film in the Cannes competition in […]
Neeraj Chopra’s Health Update: What Fans Need to Know
I am not injured. Neeraj Chopra withdrew at risk: Indian star javelin thrower Neeraj Chopra checked the news that he was injured. He revealed that he was not injured and that he withdrew from the ‘Ostrava’ tournament intending not to take any risk. Neeraj Chopra: India’s star javelin thrower Neeraj Chopra checked the news that […]
Complete list of IPL Winners and Runners-up in the Tournament’s 17-year History
Complete list of IPL winners and runners-up: Kolkata Knight Riders beat Sunrisers Hyderabad by eight wickets to win their third IPL trophy. Complete list of IPL winners and runners-up: Shreyas Iyer-led Kolkata Knight Riders (KKR) ousted Pat Cummins with an eight-wicket win over Sunrisers Hyderabad to lift their third Indian Premier League (IPL) title on […]