‘Love In Vietnam’ marks a groundbreaking collaboration between the Indian and Vietnamese film industries, symbolizing a significant milestone in cinematic history. Led by esteemed director-turned-producer Omung Kumar and director-producer Rahhat Shah Kazmi, alongside industry stalwarts like Captain Rahul Bali and Abhishek Ankur, this venture promises to redefine the landscape of cross-cultural filmmaking. With a star-studded […]
Shah Rukh Khan’s Battle with Heatstroke: A Timeline of Events from Match to Recovery
Following his hospitalization for dehydration and sunstroke, on May 22nd, Shah Rukh Khan was admitted to KD Hospital in Ahmedabad. SRK was critically affected by intense heat, according to the doctors at KD Hospital. He had come to the city two days before that to watch a qualifying match between Kolkata Knight Riders (KKR) and […]
Virat Kohli: RCB in agony of loss.. This is Kohli’s record no one cares about.. History as first batsman in 17 years!
The 17th season of the Indian Premier League (IPL) has entered its final phase. There are only two matches left. 3 teams compete. Royal Challengers Bangalore crashed out of the tournament after losing to Rajasthan in an elimination match on Wednesday. But Virat Kohli achieved a rare feat in this match. The 17-year-old created a […]