Arbaaz Khan’s son Arhaan Khan has shared a message chat with Malaika Arora on Mother’s Day on social media, which is going viral. Arhaan Khan’s latest Instagram post is becoming increasingly viral on social media, in which he has shared a screenshot of WhatsApp chat with mother Malaika Arora. The chat starts with wishing Malaika […]
Know from AIIMS doctor at what time vitamins and supplements should be taken, they are absorbed well in the body.
If vitamins or other supplements are taken at the right time, they prove to be very good for health. At the same time, the body is able to absorb them better due to which health gets full benefits. Healthy Tips: Vitamins are organic compounds that the body needs to stay healthy. Generally, to overcome vitamin […]
Delhi Police gets PCR calls: ‘Swati Maliwal Speaking, I have been Attacked at CM’s home’
The police got two calls today at 9 am, sources told India Today. The guest distinguished herself as Swati Maliwal and guaranteed attack by the Central Clergyman’s Dad Bibhav. The Delhi Police got two calls said to be from AAP’s Rajya Sabha MP Swati Maliwal, India Today covered Monday. The guest asserted she was attacked […]
Mumbai climate: Weighty downpours and dust storms lash portions of the city
Mumbai climate today: The unexpected change in weather conditions brought traffic to a halt in the city. Mumbai climate today: Mumbai saw weighty precipitation joined by a gigantic residue storm around 3 pm on Monday. Aside from Mumbai, adjoining urban communities Thane and Satara additionally saw weighty downpours. The Mumbai Air terminal runway was additionally […]