Akshay Kumar’s Next Project According to recent reports, Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar is set to star in a biopic titled “The Untold Story of C. Shankar Nayyar”. The shooting for this period drama began last year, and while there hasn’t been any official confirmation regarding the film’s name, it is believed that the project will […]
Manmohan Singh closes 33-drawn-out innings in the Rajya Sabha
Upwards of 54 individuals from the Rajya Sabha including nine Association Clergymen are set to resign on April 2 and April 3. Upwards of 54 individuals from the Rajya Sabha including previous State leader Manmohan Singh and nine Association Clergymen are set to resign on April 2 and April 3. Previous Head of the state […]
IPL-17: DC against KKR | A few Delhi Capitals take on the wildly successful Kolkata Knight Riders
Delhi Capitals should set up one more great execution against Kolkata Knight Riders who wallop RCB on Walk 29. The 20-run win versus Chennai Super Rulers is a sign of where Delhi Capitals was, is, and can be. The crew on paper and its presentation in the initial two matches was unsuitable and, as per […]
Shehnaaz cuts a cake, and celebrates her debut as a playback vocalist for ‘Patna Shuklla’
Shehnaaz Gill commended her presentation as a playback vocalist for ‘Patna Shuklla’ by cutting a cake. The entertainer shared pictures from the festivals on Instagram. After her acting introduction with ‘Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan’, Shehnaaz Gill has now entered the domain of playback singing. She as of late praised her presentation as a […]