Actor Govinda has referred to the conclusion of his “14-year-long canvas” as his comeback to politics following his departure from the Congress party. On Thursday, Bollywood star Govinda returned to politics by joining the ruling Shiv Sena in Mumbai, where he was accompanied by Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde. The actor had previously defeated BJP […]
Review of Crew: A sensual, humorous, and truthful film about an aircraft robbery
Rajesh Krishan’s comedy also stars Diljit Dosanjh, Kapil Sharma, and Saswata Chatterjee. Rajesh A Krishnan’s feature debut Lootcase was an enjoyable comedy that chugged along like a slow train. Krishnan’s second movie Crew, about three air hostesses who get tired of being ripped off and decide to do the ripping, moves at jet speed. Geeta […]