In the part of Vinayak Damodar Savarkar, Randeep Hooda performed his life and gave it his all. The ensemble cast includes David Michael Harrison, Hella Stichlmair, Apinderdeep Singh, Sal Yusuf, Amit Sial, Richard Bhakti Klein, Ed Robinson, Russell Geoffrey Banks, and Randeep Hooda. Randeep Hooda is the director. When Vinayak Damodar Savarkar, also known as […]
Security stepped up near the BJP headquarters as Arvind Kejriwal was arrested. The AAP is protesting the arrest
In the annals of Indian independence, this CM is the first to be arrested while in office. Arvind Kejriwal, the chief minister of Delhi, was placed under arrest on Wednesday evening following the entry of a 12-person Enforcement Directorate team into the city using a search warrant about the Delhi liquor policy case. Now, for […]